Sisters AND Brothers

March 20, 2017

The honorable night of being named the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi is something that will forever hold a special place in my heart. As I looked wide-eyed around the room, taking in the moment of each guy singing me the sweetheart song, I became ecstatic over the idea that I now got to share letters with some of my best friends. The idea of representing the chapter of guys that I have fostered some of my most genuine friendships with throughout college felt ever significant. On that day, I would have told you that getting that privilege was surely the best part of the whole sweetheart experience. As I continue the experience of being sweetheart, however, I realize increasingly that being sweetheart is far more than owning my own set of Sigma Chi letters.
The men that I now have the great privilege of sharing letters with are far more than just another group of friends to me. They are some of the people that I have found myself with throughout my college experience. Through trials that seemed like they would never end, nights full of laughter, constant support, celebrating accomplishments, and a few too many stupid decisions. We spent many moments together over the last four years; some we claimed we would never forget and some we did not realize would stand as such great memories. Being their sweetheart now means more than sharing letters- it means growing through deeper, more authentic relationships within the family. It means gaining opportunities to walk through life and share experiences with even more of the brothers.
Of the many perks of being sweetheart, the greatest is the gift of sharing the bond that Sigma Chi establishes with my biological little brother, Nick. Growing up, we have always been one another’s biggest fans. Throughout the many seasons of our life Nick has continuously and gracefully taken on whatever burden I may carry, never allowing me to feel alone. Watching Nick grow through Sigma Chi and now experiencing it together planted much more meaning in our friendship. When life takes its toll on our family, we are assured in our Sigma Chi family to turn to. Nick and I experience support from the same 90 people, only allowing us to grow closer. The sense of security that we experience daily is just one of the ways that Sigma Chi has blessed my life. Although we each have our differences and imperfections, the empathetic support we have for another is what makes the bond that we share so undeniable. Looking back on that special day almost makes me laugh at how little I knew about the beautiful mess I was getting myself into.

Being the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi means a multitude of things to me, with each day bringing new blessings. It means something as small as knowing I always have someone to go to the library or grab some food with. It means I even have someone to jump in a car last minute and drive down to Florida with. It means finding joy day to day from how sweet each guy is to me. And of course- it means always feeling loved, protected, and valued. The guys bless my life daily through their support, their confidence in me, their ability to turn just about anything into a laughing matter, and their continuous goofiness. Recently, a sweetheart from 1976 reached out to me about The Zeta Rho chapter of Sigma Chi. A smile beamed across my face as she told me a story of how through the trails of her life, her brothers are still her support system today. That is what being sweetheart means to me. Family, genuine support, deeper love- where each day I am still amazed at how it just keeps getting better.

We Are ZTA

March 16, 2017

Take it from me, my high school senior self who was just DYING to get out of her little town. I was craving the free life. New friends, new stories and just a new setting itself. When I saw college, I didn't quite see myself in a Sorority setting. I thought it was just like high school when it came to girls with not feeling like I fit in, not having the right clothes or even the right boyfriend. I thought I was fine on my own and was just totally ready to lead my own life. As I started my classes, I found myself very lost. Sports was my life in High school and my friends who I also did sports with. Sports is what really bonded us together and is what we had in common. My high school friends is what I thought I only needed and who I thought truly knew the real me. Boy, I was so wrong...My first week of college I realized I didn't like going to class not sitting by anyone I knew or even passing someone without saying "Hi." From that moment, I knew I needed to look into changing my college experience. 
Long story short, I found myself walking into tent by tent to find what sorority I belonged too. I could go on and on about what each chapter felt to me but that could be different for everyone. What I'm going to talk about is why I chose Zeta Tau Alpha and the impact they made on me that day. Each and every girl I talked to had this passion and light in their eyes as they talked. Not neccesarily about Zeta itself, but about life in general. I talked to the girls about school, my hometown and just everything about myself which is what everyone does on recruitment week I know I know, but this was different. I found myself talking and not feeling like I was being judged and feeling like I said the wrong thing for them to like me. I could be me and that is something I have never felt even with my high school friends. These girls didn't care what I wore or where I came from, they cared deeper than that. 
 As I sit back here today, two years later, I have never felt more like home than I do at Zeta Tau Alpha. Not only has this chapter taught me the value of friendship, but it has taught me the value of life. WE are Zeta Tau Alpha, where love is the greatest of all things.

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