Looking Back As A Chapter Ends...

April 24, 2017

           Today marks about a week and a half before my time as an active member of Zeta Tau Alpha is up. I can’t believe that. It truly feels like just yesterday I had received my bid and run into the arms of my new sisters. I didn’t think that the overwhelming atmosphere of love and acceptance I felt on that day could ever be rivaled, but I was so wrong. I have been overwhelmed by the love and support of my sisters time and time again since that day. I can’t imagine what my college experience would have been like without this organization, and I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to be a part of it.
            To sum up into words what the women of ZTA mean to me is a nearly impossible feat. These girls have been my backbone, my guiding light, my happy place. It doesn’t matter whether or not I’ve had the best day of my life or the worst, I know that I can count on my sisters to be there with me through it all. Growing up, I wasn’t the girl with the tight knit group of girlfriends. Even with my closest friends, I somehow felt disconnected from them, like I was always just a little out of sync from the rest of the group. When I came to college, I knew that I wanted to join a sorority, but I was also pretty terrified that I wasn’t going to fit in. That all changed with Zeta. The feeling of inclusiveness that I immediately felt was not only a relief, but a confirmation that I had just made one of the best decisions of my life. When I ran home to Zeta, I never looked back.

            I can say with confidence that the woman I am today is due largely in part to my time in Zeta. I have been blessed to be surrounded by some of the best people that I have ever known, to be able to take on roles that allowed me to grow as a leader, and to work towards honorable philanthropic causes. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever cultivate the kinds of genuine friendships that I did. And I definitely never thought that I, the girl who never cries, could be moved to tears reflecting back over the past few years. But I am. And while the future might be scary and uncertain, there are two things that I know for certain: the first is that I have been beyond lucky to have spent the past four years alongside the strongest, kindest, and most beautiful women I have ever met. The second is that I’m not really leaving it behind, because I know that the love and support of my sisters is endless, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 

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