"Little Did I Know"

August 22, 2017

Florence, Italy. I can’t tell you exactly why I selected it as my study abroad destination. Maybe it was my deep love for lasagna or because I wanted to walk the same streets as the cast of The Jersey Shore. Although I knew what an incredible adventure it would be to travel to this beautiful place, I never could have imagined the ways in which my time there would impact me. Little did I know that the once unfamiliar and intimidating cobblestone streets of Florence would soon become the paths I’d freely wander without needing a map. I had no idea that I’d end up living on the same road, in the same city, and attending the same class as one of my very own zeta sisters. I didn’t expect that I’d spend each day laughing and exploring with strangers who felt like old friends. Little did I know that the Florence sunsets would move me to tears and that hearing an Italian say, “Ciao, Bella” would always make me smile. I found that between the heaping plates of pasta and the many glasses of Prosecco, there was always room for gelato and another piece of bread. I would learn that I was horrible at speaking Italian, but that the friendly locals would love to hear me try, even though they giggled at my performance. I would find that each new place I explored would somehow seem even more beautiful than the last.  The street art, the statues, the nightlife, the skinny winding sidewalks, the leather markets, the pizza, the music- all of it would hold such a special place in our hearts forever. I never knew that time could pass by so quickly, or how difficult it would be to take my last look at the Italian sky before stepping into my plane for departure. Little did I know that my journal full of stories I kept and the hundreds of pictures I took would now be my greatest treasures, or that I’d feel homesick for Florence and often dream of going back one day. I never knew I would leave Florence feeling like a more grateful, wiser person, and I couldn’t have imagined the amazing memories that would bring so much joy to my heart forever. Little did I know that Florence, Italy would forever be a piece of a lifelong friendship and sisterhood that I would cherish forever- A sisterhood where only the two of us would ever understand the magic of our weeks in Florence.
-Carlee Williamson

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